
Google Search Console Automations

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Google Search Console Automations


This is a set of automations aimed at automating your Google search console experience with low code tools.

With this automation, you can query your Search Console reports easily and free of charge with no additional costs.

Some of the things you can for with this automation include

  1. Automated export of your google search console results
  2. Check for all the page indexing status
  3. Submit sites to Google for indexing
  4. Check Add or delete the sites you have on Google
  5. Check sitemaps on your search console, delete or add new sitemaps

With all these tasks possible with just a click of a button, you can navigate all the tasks you need to do on Search console without ever having to open that

This workflow comes with its own dashboard so you don't have to build one

I want this!

An automated Search console manager to ease all your SEO reporting and management tasks

Search console Export
Export Your results to google sheets in a single click
Indexing API
A simple endpoint to Check your iundexing status for your website
Sitemap API
Easily query your sitemap in a single click
Website API
Check the status of your websites or submit new sites to google
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